To Report Suspected Abuse Call DCYF at (800) 894-5533 - For Emergencies Dial 911

Hands of Hope

Friday, May 9, 2025
6:00-11:00 pm
Church Landing, Meredith, NH

We are honored to host the 12th Annual Hands of Hope Celebration in Meredith.  This event is dedicated to recognizing the efforts and work of multidisciplinary team members and community members who make a difference for their local Child Advocacy Center. The center from each county honors their own Everyday Hero, someone who embodies leadership, ingenuity, kindness, who is steadfast in their commitment to New Hampshire’s most vulnerable children-who shows up for kids.  Every. Day.  We will also name our Statewide Everyday Hero of the Year and Blue for Bucks Statewide Hero of the Year!

More information regarding sponsorships for this special event, please scroll down to sponsorship opportunities.  Questions about sponsorships and how to support this special awards celebration can be directed to Casey Caster, Director of Resource Development at


The Evening

Attire for Hands of Hope can be described as “business casual” or “cocktail attire.”

5:45-6:00 Doors Open
6:00-7:00 Cash bar & Hors d’oeuvres
CAC County raffle baskets full of fun, creative, and tasty treats
7:15-9:00 Dinner & Awards
Statewide Everyday Hero
Blue for Bucks Statewide Award
Presentation of Everyday Hero Awards 
9:00-11:00 Dancing 

Sponsorship Opportunities

Join the Granite State Children’s Alliance and New Hampshire’s Child Advocacy Centers for this very special night honoring ordinary folks from across the state whose extraordinary efforts are helping child victims of abuse find justice, begin to heal and enjoy the childhood they deserve. These are our Everyday Heros.