What we do
The Granite State Children’s Alliance provides a variety of programs dedicated to a coordinated response to reports of child abuse. We work together with the MDT to provide a forensic interview at the Child Advocacy Center. We educate adults in the community about their role in the child protection system as a mandated reporter. We provide critical on-site counseling services to ensure healthy next steps in the healing process.
Child Advocacy Centers
Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) provide coordinated support to children 3-18 (and their caregivers) who are alleging child sexual abuse, felony level physical abuse, or have witnessed a violetnt crime such as homicide or domestic violence. CACs strive to reduce trauma suffered by child victims of abuse by creating a child-friendly, victim-centered safe place where children can talk to a trained professional forensic interviewer about their abuse and streamline the investigative process.
KNOW & TELL® is an education program to educate all adults to KNOW the signs of abuse and TELL responsible authorities when a child needs help. This comprehensive program provides exceptional professional development opportunities to schools, youth serving organizations, camps, coaches, law enforcement, first responders and other members of the community who work with children.
Behavioral Health Services
Our Behavioral Health Program provides onsite behavioral health services at the Child Advocacy Centers in Belknap, Hillsborough (Manchester) and Cheshire Counties. The program provides trauma-informed, licensed behavioral health clinicians who will work with you and your child to assess the impact of any traumas your child has experienced, as well as any other current mental health-related concerns you may have for your child.
H.E.A.R.T. Program
The majority of the children seen at Child Advocacy Centers (CAC) in NH are school age. Through our Helping Ensure Appropriate Response to Trauma (H.E.A.R.T) program, CACs are partnering with school districts to address trauma related needs of school aged children.
The H.E.A.R.T program is a collaboration between school districts and the Greater Lakes Child Advocacy Center in order (with parental permission) to inform appropriate school personnel when a child has been seen at the CAC, so that school staff can respond to the child’s needs in an appropriate, trauma informed way.
Professional Trainings
We offer a wide variety of expert trainings for our partners and those in the field.
- Child Advocacy Center Model Response
- The Science Behind the Forensic Interview
- The MDT Model and your Role
- Minimal Facts Gathering for First
Responders - Vicarious Trauma