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Our Annual Impact Report

Annual Report 2023

This year marks the second year in our current five year strategic plan, Runway to 2026.   The Annual Impact Report for 2023 showcases considerable growth and progress toward goals in our strategic plan.  On the pages, hard work, team work, coordination, and vision come to life as we work together for NH’s most vulnerable victims of crime, children.

Annual Report 2022

This year marks the first year in our current five year strategic plan, Runway to 2026.   The Annual Report provides a comprehensive review of who we are and what we doing in NH Child Advocacy Centers.

Runway to 2026

New Hampshire Child Advocacy Centers are committed to continued excellence.  We are proud to be able to build off the success of our previous five year Strategic Plan, Runway to 2021 with another ambitious  plan.  Our goals include; we will continue to be a recognized leader, expand access to Child Advocacy Centers, building upon progress made for expansion of specialized medical and mental health service and to further expand our system of organizational excellence.

We were able to engage a thoughtful and diverse group of stakeholders in a yearlong strategic planning initiative. We used an Appreciative Inquiry approach to this process building upon the successes from Runway to 2021. The results of this work will positively affect the direction of our organization, our child protection system in NH and our CAC movement for the future.