“It was never about the Beard”
B4B Fundraising Campaign
Law enforcement agencies show their support for their local Child Advocacy Centers throughout the Granite State by participating in our only Annual Statewide fundraiser for New Hampshire CACS.
October 7th through 21st. Two weeks only. We are going “blue” for our tenth year. One thing remains the same, CACs are non-profits depending on law enforcement throughout the Granite State to fundraise on their behalf. We have another big statewide goal this year of $250,000 and can only get there with your donations and support.

A fun and easy way to support your local
Child Advocacy Center (CAC).
Why it matters to your Child Advocacy Center?
Each law enforcement agency and individual officer who participate make a tremendous difference for their own community CAC. The money raised through their efforts goes directly to the local CAC to continue the work of the Multidisciplinary team and collective efort to help the most vulnerable of victims of abuse, children.
2024 Participating CACs and Law Enforcement Agencies
CAC at CHAD Sullivan/Grafton Counties
Lincoln PD
Belknap County CAC
Alton PD
Belknap County Sheriff’s Office
Gilford PD
Laconia PD
Coos County
Whitefield PD
Monadnock CAC-Cheshire County
Alstead PD
Hinsdale PD
Keene PD
Marlborough PD
MRCAC Advisory Board
Troy PD
Hillsborough North CAC
Antrim PD
Goffstown PD
Hillsboro PD
Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office
Manchester PD
Weare PD
Hillsborough South CAC
Hollis PD
Milford PD
Nashua PD
Wilton PD
Granite State Children's Alliance
NH Department of Corrections-CORP Program
Merrimack County Advocacy Center
Allenstown PD
Boscawen PD
Bow PD
Chichester PD
Concord PD
Dunbarton PD
Franklin PD
Loudon PD
Merrimack County Sheriff’s Office
New London PD
Pembroke PD
Rockingham County CAC
Derry PD
Greenland PD
Epping PD
Exeter PD
Hampton PD
Newington PD
Newmarket PD
Newton PD
Nottingham PD
Plaistow PD
Portsmouth PD
Raymond PD
Rockingham County Attorney’s Office
Salem PD
Sandown PD
Seabrook PD
Where did the Beards go this year?
What began with one officer raising money for one CAC has now become a statewide fundraising campaign, earning $215,000 last year alone! The passion and dedication of CAC staff and law enforcement partners has made this happen, raising funds for kids and families that would otherwise be unavailable. With many law enforcement partners allowing beards now, we have said “good bye” to the Razorless for a Reason and replaced it with “It was never about the Beard!” It was about what we achieve together at local CACs across the Granite State.
Maybe the best thing about B4B dollars is that unlike other funding sources, there are no restrictions for the donations made through this campaign. These funds can and have been used to improve the CAC and the MDT’s ability to provide a safe, trauma informed, and supportive environment for the children and families who come through our doors. This may mean anything from purchasing a new Keurig for the family waiting area to contributing to the development of behavioral health services at a center.
Join Law Enforcement Agencies as they support local Child Advocacy Centers (CAC) around New Hampshire. B4B is a fun and exciting fundraiser where law enforcement officers are allowed to where our pin (and still grow a beard if they want) to seek donations in October to support their local CAC.
A Tribute to the Beards
If you noticed a new look on a familiar faces during October, know it was in support of your local Child Advocacy Center. This tribute and thank you video highlights the statewide efforts from Beards for Bucks – Razorless for a Reason campaign. Over 625 officers and 68 law enforcement teams were able to wear facial hair or dye hair blue throughout the month while encouraging public donations to support Child Advocacy Centers. Since 2015, raising 1.4 million dollars. We can not thank you enough!
Follow @GSCANH on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
Show your support of Beards for Bucks campaign by following @GSCANH on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and join the fun for a great cause supporting CACs. Tag your posts #BeardsforBucks, #BlueforBucks and #BetheDifference